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A few kilometers from the Italian border, in the small village of Gorjansko in the Slovenian Karst, Branco & Vasja founded the Cotar company in 1974 and in 1990 they bottled the first wines. On this sweet and bitter land, the typical varieties of the area are grown, with the utmost respect for nature: Refosco, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Malvasia Istriana, Sauvignon, Vitovska. In an area characterized by the Mornik winds, which blow from the sea, by the Bora, which blows from the north and by a red earth, brought back by the karst depressions (sinkholes), the land is cultivated according to biodynamic agriculture practices. Branko and Vasja's fingerprints on the labels: a signature guaranteeing the quality of the two lines produced. The highlights are the Vitovska and the Malvazija Istirana, in which all the aromas and flavors of the red Karst earth are found. They are all unique and charismatic wines, which only a land like this is capable of offering.

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